
Gluey is a bare-bones framework. It defines low-level primitives for unifying objects. It does not define tree-like unification types suitable for logic programming, but it defines recursive unification primitives that make these much easier to build. For a more full-featured logic framework (built on top of Gluey!), check out Axiomatic.


Your handy unification primitive.

A Binding is a sort of variable that can be linked to another binding such that they will always have the same value. The unification of two Bindings will always succeed unless both already have values, and these values are not equal. If the two are incompatible, a UnificationError is thrown. Behind the scenes, Bindings are held together by sharing a common Glue, but you don’t need to worry about this. All you need to know is that once two Bindings are bound, they will always have the same value.

let a = Binding<Int>()
let b = Binding<Int>()
let c = Binding<Int>()

try Binding.unify(a, b) // all good
try Binding.unify(b, c) // we're cool

a.value = 10
print(c.value) // -> 10

let d = Binding<Int>()
try Binding.unify(a, d) // no problem
print(d.value) // -> 10
// Since d.value = nil, it will take on a's value.

let e = Binding<Int>()
e.value = 20
try Binding.unify(a, e) // UNIFICATION ERROR!!!
// Since a.value = 10 and b.value = 20, they cannot be unified.


The recursive unification superstar!

Gluey also defines a generic enum Unifiable<Element> with cases Variable(Binding<Element>) and Constant(Element) making it easy to unify known constants with unknown variables. A very useful property of Unifiable is that it will also attempt to recurisvely unify the constant case if Element: UnifiableType. This allows Unifiable to be used to create powerful tree-like structures that can be easily unified.

// Unification of constant and variable
let a = Unifiable.Constant(10)
let b = Unifiable.Variable(Binding<Int>())
try Unifiable.unify(a, b)
print(b.value) // -> 10

// Recursive unification
let c = Unifiable.Constant(Unifiable.Constant(10))
let d = Unifiable.Constant(Unifiable.Variable(Binding<Int>()))
try Unifiable.unify(c, d)
print(d.value?.value) // -> 10


Still confused? Read more about Gluey in the documentation or maybe check out how its used in Axiomatic! Or tweet at me if you still need some help. :)